Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust provides grant assistance to Parish Councils, local community groups and not for profit organisations for environmental and community projects.
This website should help you find out more about the grant scheme we operate in parts of Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council.
The Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) is the principal grant scheme and one of the main criteria of this scheme is that your project must be within a 10 mile radius of either Hespin Wood (CA6 4BJ) or Flusco Pike (CA11 0JB) landfill site. A quick telephone call to our office will help you decide if your project is eligible under this rule. Consideration will be given to projects within a 10 to 15 mile radius of Hespin Wood or Flusco Pike if there is a fee paying landfill site within 10 miles of the project.
Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust pride themselves on not only delivering the Landfill Communities Fund grant scheme but also offering help and advice to project applicants about further funding, relevant constitutions and project management in general. Please look at this website for further information but ultimately we are here to help so please do not hesitate to contact the office for more detailed information applicable to your project.
CWMET is an Independent Charity and Limited Company based within Cumbria Waste Management Group, at Wavell Drive, Rosehill Estate, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA1 2ST. The office is staffed part time so please telephone for an appointment to ensure your journey is worthwhile. Their is a mix of project visits and office working. Staffing levels are Grants Manager (14 hours pw) and Administration/Finance Officer (7 hours pw). There is capacity to attend external meetings and face to face internal meetings, please email or telephone and leave a message.